Violent thugs and criminals are on their way...
Thomson, Illinois
June 25, 2020
Dear Friend,
Criminals are coming to your neighborhood... and they're coming FAST.
Mike Walters
Staff Writer
Here's the deal: hard times have forced a new generation of criminals to take to the streets after your wallet... and they don't care about your life.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that unemployment has risen in the United States to its highest rate in 3 decades, climbing 4 out of the past 5 years...
And you know what else? There aren't enough cops to protect everyone, which means you'll be left to fend for yourself as wave after wave of criminals take over your streets.
As the economic-stimulus money runs out, major urban areas like Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles and New Jersey have all seen reductions in their police forces ... and many more are on the way thanks to big budget cuts.
According to an article in USA Today, over a dozen states have seen a reduction in the number of highway patrol officers in the past 13 years.
If that wasn't enough, prisons have become too overcrowded- meaning that violent offenders will be paroled and back on the streets to make room for new convicts.
The Commission on Safety and Abuse in America's Prisons found that 67% of these former prisoners are re-arrested, with over 50% landing back in prisons and jails.
This means in order to survive, you need to know how to defend your home and your loved ones from criminals and thugs...
That's why I want to send you "Breaking and Entering"- a report on ways to protect your home after the coming economic collapse- absolutely free.
I'll tell you more about this free report in a minute, but first let me introduce myself...
My name is Mike Walters, and I'm editor-at-large of one of the leading websites in the world for practical information on living and surviving in hard times (economic and otherwise)...
...and I want you to have the information you need to live and survive when the unthinkable happens.
In "Breaking and Entering", you'll discover why the current economic climate spells trouble for law-abiding people like you...
But that's not all... here are some of the other critical facts in this free report:
...and much, much more!
I'm giving you this report because you must be able to defend yourself, your loved ones and your property from this new wave of danger...
Plus it's my way of shamelessly "bribing" you to sign up for my newsletter "Off The Grid News"... a fiercely independent, weekly e-mail newsletter crammed full of information on how to live and survive today and in future hard times.
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The best part is, you can unsubscribe at any time without losing a penny - your subscription is absolutely free.
To Your Safety,
Mike Walters
P.S. If you wait until the criminals are knocking down your door, it will already be too late...
Don't put yourself or your loved ones at risk one second longer- sign up now and get your hands on this free report that can save your life!
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